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A retreat applying Alexander Technique to Yoga and Qigong
Relax, Reflect & Rejuvenate

Five nights, 25-30 June 2024


A very warm welcome to our tranquil and peaceful retreat in the stunning countryside of south west France. We offer you a chance to relax and unwind through Alexander Technique, gentle Yoga, and QiGong. This is an opportunity to cultivate presence gratitude and joy. 

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Alexander Technique 

The Alexander Technique is a simple and practical method that improves ease, freedom of movement, balance, support, mobility and coordination. Alexander Technique principles can profoundly deepen the experience of Qigong, Yoga & Meditation, enabling you to rediscover your inherent ease and freedom which can help to calm your breath and quieten your body and mind. 


Qigong is an age-old practice that harnesses the power of the breath, movement and intention to create health, vitality and balance within the body. Qi means subtle breath or vital energy and Gong translates as skill, cultivated through steady practice. Qigong is a practice deriving from the tao - an ancient school of Chinese philosophy of living in harmony with the source of everything. You do not have to be a devotee or experienced to benefit from the practice.  


The yoga taught on the retreat will be Hatha based yoga, known as the mother of yoga. Hatha yoga is slower paced with its focus on breathing into the movements to bring greater awareness of the whole mind, body and self. Practice supports increased fitness, improves health and helps attain and restore greater balance and develops mental focus and discipline.  

Our Teachers

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Alexander Technique &

Qigong Teacher

Alexander Technique &

Yoga Teacher

Alexander Technique &

Massage Therapist 

Reconnect with nature in the stunning surrounding countryside - enjoy time each day to relax

reflect and rejuvenate.

A safe and supportive community with likeminded people sharing meaningful experiences together.

Delicious healthy home cooked food prepared by our chef.


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